This is the place to come for memes, pictures, jokes, opinions, and anything else I might find interesting.

This is the place to come for memes, pictures, jokes, opinions, and anything else I might find interesting.
The Final Exam
An eccentric philosophy professor gives a one-question final exam after the semester… The class is already seated and ready to go when the professor picks up his chair, plops it on his desk, and writes on the board… “Using everything…
Anyone see the sunset last night?
Just caught the tail-end of it as it was getting dark. Even then it was quite spectacular. Interesting. The top picture took almost 30 seconds to load. It was roughly 4000 x 1500 pixels. The bottom picture was reduced in…
The Experiment continues…
Let’s try adding a GIF to a post. Here’s the “Athletic Dog.”
OK… Time to get serious about this…
How about a bunch of pictures, memes, and other stuff. The Wednesday Meme-A-Poluza!
Let’s add some pictures or memes…
Well, that seemed to work OK. Still working on some additional pages and stuff.
Well, that worked…
This is relatively easy once you get the hang of it. I’m going to try some more intricate stuff and see how that goes. It may take a while, so stick with me. I just had to retype a section.…
Let’s Try Adding A Picture
What is this?
This is an experiment. I’m an old dog and I’m trying to learn a new trick. Why? Cause this is one thing I haven’t done yet. I’ve created text-type video games back at the dawn of home computers. I’ve learned…